venerdì 8 novembre 2013

Al via il Progetto eTwinning 2013 2014

Caro/a Orlanda Sanvitale, ICS 2 di Ortona - Plesso Secondaria di I Grado , Italy,

Siamo felici di informarti che la tua Unità Nazionale eTwinning ha approvato il tuo progetto dal titolo  JOBS, JOBS...JOBS con Anastasia Pitsouli ...

8th Junior High School Of Thessaloniki, Greece

Per aggiornare i dati del tuo nuovo progetto ti basterà effettuare il login nel Portale eTwinning, cliccare su ‘I Miei Progetti’ e ‘Modifica’.

In bocca al lupo per il tuo nuovo progetto eTwinning!

Il Team eTwinning


Job  is a mirror of economy, society, immigration and even religion situations. Pupils will have to make investigations ( inchiesta giornalistica ) , gather information about the job's  evolution from ancient times till today, write articles, make videos in the field of AGRICOLTURA, PESCA, ZOOTECNIA, ARTIGIANATO, SERVIZI, TECNOLOGIA.


Pupils will be able to relate jobs  with local history, examining the social conditions of the past as well as with economic and technological evolution. By doing  this, pupils will discover their traditions, the jobs customs of past generations and the traditions of partners by exchanging information with them.

They will make comparisons among different countries and different time periods, to find resemblances and differences.

Teachers of any country and their pupils work together to create an e-journal (a common on-line diary, newspaper or magazine).

SUBJECT: Foreign Languages, Geography, History, History of Culture, Informatics / ICT, Cross curricular

Age group: 10 - 18

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 1 school year

ICT Tools:   TwinSpace, Collaborative tools ( wiki ) and virtual learning environment , web publishing, Online “fashion magazine” or google site , Video and photo editing

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    Pupils will:

    # Learn about the regional or national traditional jobs as well as the jobs of other countries

    # Discover the value of jobs as a vehicle of culture;

    # Find out about the contribution of economic and social factors to the job's

    # develop critical thinking skills when looking for, selecting and organizing relevant information on the chosen topic;

    # write different types of articles (interview, news, reportage, photo-reportage, advertisement, survey, essay, review, announcement, …);

    # get familiar with the job of a journalist and reporter: rights and duties of journalists and reporters; respecting author’s rights, privacy ...

    # learn basic web writing, graphical design and video editing rules....

    # take digital pictures and use them in articles;

    # use ICT collaborative tools for publishing, editing, commenting and, if available, rating articles;

    # communicate efficiently with both classmates and partners abroad;

    # develop their inter-cultural skills.


    A/ suggested check-list for teachers

    Initially teachers should meet in the Twinspace staffroom and decide on which aspect of this topic they wish to work on. As it is a wide topic it is important that the parameters are set early on within the project planning.

    1st step:
    In order to break the ice among the pupils and have them easily divided into groups we propose one of the ice-breaking or grouping activities proposed in the eTwinning portal – starter kits.

    2nd step:
    Pupils should get familiarised with the use of the TwinSpace and the Pupils Corner and explore its possibilities. In this stage we propose a free communication among the pupils and an exchange of opinions for their daily life. Pupils should learn about Netiquette and Internet Safety. You can use some of the short activities proposed in the eTwinning portal – starter kits.

    3rd step:
    Pupils learn about the aims and objectives of the program and learn about research. If the research includes the exploitation of Internet resources, we advise the pupils to study the relevant guidelines on the safe and effective research

    4th step pupils write the article within their own school and, once published on-line, they share and discuss it with partners abroad


  2. B/ suggested check-list for pupils

    1st step 1. Collecting and sorting the Information in their m other tongue

    * Pupils find, select and organize material on the chosen topic;

    * They brainstorm their ideas and prepare drafts of the article in english

    * They decide on the layout of the article and on the pictures, which will illustrate the ideas expressed in the text;

    * Teachers monitor pupils´ work, guide them through the process and help them cope with challenges of collaborative writing in a foreign language.

    2nd step 2. Publishing articles

    * When writing the final version of the article, pupils take into account the comments made by the other members of the team concerning the quality of the language, content, layout and pictures;
    * They quote the sources of information provided in the article properly;
    * Pupils insert the article in the Twinspace or e-journal environment;
    * Finally, teachers as administrators make their articles public;

    3rd step 3. Learning with and from each other

    * Pupils read their partners’ or other teams’ articles;
    * They exchange comments. They can consider the quality of the language, content, layout and the relevance of the pictures;
    * They try to find common features and differences in the perception of the chosen topic in their countries.



    * Articles in a foreign language published on-line;
    * E-journal, with an organized structure and containing articles written by all teams involved.
    * Interest and participation
    * The quality of their information exchange with their partner group
    * Respect for others’ culture as much as their own
    * Use of collaborative tools


    * Pupils may decide to create an e-book version of their magazine.

    * They may write the most interesting articles in their mother tongue, publish them on the school website or blog class or print them, and make available at school or in local community sa welcome sa the english version!

    "Una bella sfida!"
